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Mallhalla is the main location that was shown in the episode "Mega-Mall of Horrors"


Mallhalla is a giant mall that arrived in riverdale overnight, It was ran by owner Mr. Calvin Avaricci. When people go into the mall, It has stores that shoppers love to go and instead of using money, The Shoppers are given special cards called Mallhalla Charge Cards that they can use to buy anything they want. However when their credit is up it time for them to pay and not with cash but their souls by being turn into manniquines.


Mallhalla has strange speakers that has the power to either lure people to come to the mall or hypnotize to forget people who have disappeared.



It is revealed that if one rip the card in half they will gain their memory and manniqunes are brought back to life.


  • Mallhalla is both a play on word and base on the place Vallhalla, which is known in Norse mythology as the final resting place for Vikings. As it would make sense that the mall was created to capture anyone and take him to the final resting place.